Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Give Back

It doesn't have to cost anything to give back, or you could call it paying it forward. Every day people are in accidents or get sick and need blood transfusions. Here is a story about my friend Annie, whom I've know since I was four years old, and her husband Brian. http://www.rrvbc.org/brian_peight.php This picture and article will be featured in a 2009 calendar made by the Rock River Valley Blood Center. During the holiday season and the rest of the year, consider donating blood. It can save lives.

***Here is a link to Brian's Caringbridge site that has been updated regularly since the accident***

1 comment:

Annie said...

That was a very nice story. Brian was excited that you were going to put it in your blog and hopefully reach out to more people.
Thanks Again,
Love Annie