I'm not even sure where to begin! We packed as much excitement and people-visiting into the holiday weekend as was humanly possible. Each day brought a new set of family or friends to visit with. Friday was Christmas Eve service, Saturday was Christmas with my family, Sunday was Christmas with my mom's side of the Family, Monday was a playdate with my friend, Nikki, and her two sons, and Tuesday was the car trip back to MN. As I write this, both kids are passed out in their beds. I don't blame them.
Highlights from the weekend include:
Aidan and Aubrey got in some hardcore playtime (and lots of shoveling) with Nana, Poppa, Kali, Kyle, and Reese
Santa brought Aidan a hockey stick, skates, and a puck
Aubrey's 1st tooth FINALLY came in on Christmas Day (closely followed by tooth #2, which came in today)
Aubrey is starting to crawl on her knees instead of army crawling
Both kids opened a mountain of presents---lots of new toys to play with and clothes to wear
Everyone ate over a million calories of delicious, delicious food on a daily basis
Christmas 2010 at Nana and Poppa's house can be broken into a few categories...
Playing outside in the fresh snow
Aubrey and Reese getting to know one another (and Aubrey trying to rip Reese's face off),
Aidan finding the "game closet" and getting out a new game or toy out every 20 minutes,
eating (lots of it),
present opening (lots of it)
family time (thankfully, lots of it)
In an effort to conserve time and energy, I'm consolidating all Christmas photos in to this one slide show. I managed to pare down over 200 photos into the Top 62.
Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers
1 day ago