Potty training started this weekend and it's actually going pretty well. Almost every time Aidan has sat down on the potty he has managed to go, much to his delight! We started a "sticker page" and he gets a sticker if he goes pee in the potty. He L.O.V.E.S. stickers and tattoos, and so far they have been very rewarding for him. Meltdowns ensue if he doesn't go pee because then he doesn't get a sticker. I tried to explain that we don't always have to go potty, even when we try to go. He's not quite getting that part yet. There's also no way he's going poop in the potty (according to him). He very adamantly told me "no" over and over this morning when I asked him if he wanted to poop in the potty (as he was going in his diaper). That part may take a little longer.
Is it weird that I feel like an awesome mom when he goes pee in the potty? It's not like I'm doing anything. It's just so rewarding to have something go how it's supposed to, especially when I thought this whole potty training thing would be an awful experience.
*side note: I did wake up to Aidan, his pj's, and his bed covered in pee because he took off his diaper some time during the night. Point taken. Time to wear training pants day AND night*
Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers
4 days ago
1 comment:
YAY AIDAN! Boys take SO much longer to poop in the potty than girls (my experience with the 2 1/2 to 3 year olds i work with) for some reason, boys just are not interested in pooping in the potty. so far, he is right on track!!! good job!!
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