Our Family

Our Family

Friday, July 30, 2010

Splash Park Celebration

We were joined at the splash park this week by my friends, Krista, Gayle, and Molly, and all of their respective children. Aidan had a great time playing with FIVE friends while listening to music and running around in the water. Key word in that sentence was "running". There is no more sitting and visiting with adult friends when the kids are around. It's constant vigilance, since the oldest (Charlotte) is only 3 1/2 and the youngest is Aubrey at 4 months. (for a little while, anyway. Krista is due with a baby boy in December)

We celebrated summer birthdays with a delicious ice cream cake, courtesy of Krista. YUM! Sunday will see me turning 29 years old. Honestly, it feels like 28...just with 30 looming on the horizon. I plan to spend the day by myself going to the farmer's market, doing a little shopping, and enjoying a cry-free environment for a few hours!

Aubrey, in her car seat, again
She has discovered her toes, and she loves them!

Aidan "sifting" the water

Grace, splashing like a wild woman

Jackson, practicing some dance moves

Charlotte (and her cousin, Sam, in the background)

Maggie, treading carefully

"The Gang"
L-R: Aidan, Grace, Jackson, Aubrey, Charlotte, Sam, Maggie

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