The day has come and gone and we have survived Round 1 of the birthday fun. Round 2 comes on Saturday when Aidan has his birthday party. I envisioned a happy day with lots of fun. Aidan was so upset to be growing up that he cried or whined almost every waking moment today. So much for happiness and fun...
Once the presents started coming and we went out for dinner Aidan's mood perked up considerably. Nothing a little (or a lot) of sugar couldn't cure. Aidan opened one present at home, a toy gumball machine. He seemed interested in it, just couldn't quite figure out how to press the lever down to let the balls out. It's gonna take some practice. After that we went out for dinner at Perkins since Tuesday is kid's night. Aidan had rainbow pancakes and a birthday cookie. That was his first real experience with sugar and he handled it like a true Albers/Finn. He loved it. :)
After dinner we visited with Grandpa and Grandma Finn for a little bit. He got a few more presents and a mini cupcake. More sugar. YAY! Aidan is in love with the ball popper he got from Grandpa and Grandma. I think it's going to be a good incentive to get him walking.
Here are the pictures from today. Please disregard how completely awful I look. Like I said, it was a rough day and I did not get a shower or the chance to do my hair. If you think your child growing up means you get more time to yourself...think again. Maybe when they're in college.
Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers
1 day ago