Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

You caught me!

I just love this picture! About once a week for the past month I have been putting Aidan in his Bebe Pod (the little green seat) to see if he is able to sit on his own yet. Yesterday was the best he has done so far (but still not quite ready as you can see). I said his name as he was wiggling around in the seat, and that is the look I got as I snapped a picture. Priceless.

Thank you to Carrie and Keifer for the adorable outfit he is wearing. It is the perfect size, which is not easy to find for long skinny babies.

1 comment:

Soupy said...

he is ADORABLE! so glad it fits (and nice and warm for air conditioned homes! LOL)
He is a doll - I think K started in the Bumbo right around this time- have you put him in front of a mirror in it yet? Hilarious discussions will ensue...............:)