That's right, I can now say I am a "lady who lunches" :) Aidan and I met my friends Krista, Gayle, Molly, and her daughter, Charlotte at Houlihans in Richfield for lunch today. Aidan timed it perfectly, waking up from his nap at 11:25am so I could get him ready and be out the door by 11:40am. That meant he was a happy camper all through lunch, but who wouldn't be with lots of attention and lovin' from so many people? Gayle gave him a bottle and held him while I ate. It was like a mini-vacation for me.
My resolution to take more pictures at this weekend's wedding did not go as planned. It's not that I didn't try, honest, Aidan just wouldn't cooperate. He slept through the wedding (after laughing during the readings) got cranky/hungry after we got to the reception, and then fell asleep until 9pm. I had taken the Baby Bjorn with me, so he just slept in that while Kyle and I socialized. After he woke up I tried to snap a few pics of him, and as you will see, he did not want to have anything to do with the camera. The lights on the dance floor were much more interesting.
I did get a few cute ones Saturday morning while he was laying on the hotel bed. Which, by the way, was GHETTO! Their "queen size" bed was actually a full size bed and we had forgotten to bring Aidan's pack and play from Grandma Finn's house. It didn't matter Friday night b/c Kyle spent the night at a buddy's house doing a fantasy football draft. Aidan just slept in bed with me. Saturday night was a different story. There was no way we were all fitting in that tiny bed, so I went to Target and bought a travel bed for Aidan. It was just a rectangle with a pad to sleep on, and I was kind of nervous to put him on the floor in it. Who knows what kind of creepy crawlies were in that motel. We didn't really have a choice though, so Aidan slept in the travel bed. He didn't mind and I haven't seen any bug bites on him, so it must have been okay.
"Reading" on Saturday morning

I'm a happy baby

What is going on out there??

I wish I could dance like that!

Whoa that flash is bright!!!