I had my 32 week appointment on Tuesday and, for the most part, all continues look good. My belly was measuring about a week behind, which I am NOT going to complain about...maybe this baby will be smaller than Aidan's 8 lbs 13 oz. The nurse practitioner could not find the baby's head, so she wasn't sure if she's breech right now or not. Nothing to be concerned about until 36 weeks, but then the baby needs to be head down. I'm crossing my fingers that she's not breech because I've heard nothing but horror stories about how painful it is when they try to turn the baby.
In other pregnancy news, I've decided to switch back to the clinic where I went for Aidan's pregnancy. I initially thought they weren't technologically advanced enough (ie-no 3D ultrasound, didn't test my urine for protein, etc) but the clinic I switched to has made me wait up to an hour(!) each time I visit. Out of my 8 visits I have only seen a doctor twice because they always end up "behind schedule" or "unavailable" when I have an appointment scheduled. I got so frustrated after my hour and twenty minute visit on Tuesday (where they only measured my stomach and listened to the heartbeat) that I decided I was done. So, at this late stage in the game, I am switching clinics. At least I know all the doctors at the clinic I'm going back to, and maybe I'll even get the doctor who delivered Aidan. She was fantastic and stayed with me the entire two hours I spent pushing. I was so impressed that she didn't just pop in for the last five minutes of delivery, then disappear, never to be seen again. Any way it happens, I know I'm going to be more comfortable delivering with a doctor that I've had the chance to meet versus a strange person who couldn't find the time to see me while I was pregnant.
Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers
1 day ago