Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ms. Flexible

Just call me Ms. Flexible. A snowstorm with up to 2 ft predicted right smack during our planned travel time? No problem, we'll just leave a day early. Pack food, ingredients to make 2 cakes, cheesy potatoes, and everything a 1 1/2 year old needs to survive for 3 days...Easy. Or so I keep telling myself. The power of positive thoughts will get me through packing tomorrow morning, then we'll be on the road by 2pm. Kyle and I are very excited to spend a very relaxing, snow-filled Christmas surrounded by his family in front of the giant fireplace. If only I could have a nice glass of red wine...that would be perfection.

Merry Christmas to everyone! Check back in on Sunday or Monday for Christmas Day pictures.

1 comment:

MrsNick said...

Well I'm not pregnatn, but am staying away from the booze this Christmas. See the "Hmm Holidays" blog title for details. Have some ginger ale. It will make you think you're on an airplane going to a warm, tropical destination:)