Aidan and Eli at the MN Zoo

We had a great time this weekend with Nikki and Eli, but it went way too fast! Nikki had to work on Friday so they didn't get here until after 10pm that night. We got to catch up a little bit that night, but the fun really began on Saturday.Eli and Aidan both woke up around 7:15 am Saturday morning and were confused by who the other little person was staring back at them. It quickly became irrelevant since it was breakfast time and there were delicious cinnamon rolls, blueberries, and strawberries to eat. They checked each other out from the safety of their highchairs, each deciding that the other person was okay. Aidan would laugh at Eli bouncing around in his highchair, then Aidan would imitate and laugh some more. I was hoping Aidan would pick up some new vocabulary from Eli, but I think all we got was the word "stuck"...which doesn't even really sound like stuck, more like "ck".
We packed Saturday full of activity in order to get the most out of our short time together. While Aidan took his morning nap, Nikki, Eli, Roxie, and I took a walk around the neighborhood and stopped at our local park. I am still amazed by Eli's ability to climb like a monkey. He will climb up to the highest slide and go down all on his own, not afraid in the slightest. Nikki's going to have to watch out when he is a teenager. He's going to be a handful!
After Aidan woke up from his nap we went to the MN Zoo. (I finally bought our membership which was technically Aidan's birthday present) We did the standard Monkeys and Russia's Grizzly Coast, but then ventured onto the Northern Trail and wound our way over to the Farm. Nikki's husband is a farmer, so it's not like Eli hasn't ever been to a farm before. Heck, Nikki told me he was riding a calf just last week. But, it's fun nonetheless to pet the goats and sheep. I bought some food pellets and Aidan and Eli had a great time feeding the goats by hand. (I did too) :) Eli was getting pretty tired by this point, and fell asleep within minutes of going back in the stroller. He slept through the rest of the zoo, missing the Tropics. If he had been awake maybe he would have found a little girlfriend the way Aidan did. It was kind of like Fatal Attraction, where Aidan was desperately trying to get away from this little girl, about the same age as him, but she kept running after him trying to grab his face. Her mom finally corraled her, and it was time for us to go home and eat some lunch. The rest of the afternoon was laid back. We took naps, played inside and outside, and got Italian take-out for dinner.
I got some cute bath pictures (nothing inappropriate) and then it was time for bed. Whew! We made it. Nikki and I rewarded ourselves by having a glass of wine and watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy that I had recorded on Thursday night. (I think Izzie will come back, but that George is probably dead...just my prediction.)
What is Eli doing in my bathtub???

Cuddled up after bathtime

Here are the photos from the weekend. Sunday we went back to the park, in the wagon, after Aidan woke up from his morning nap. I think we wore Eli out and hopefully he slept most of the way home for Nikki.
Remember that you can click on the slideshow and it will take to you my webshots page. Those pictures will have captions with them to describe what's going on.