Aidan and Eli tooling around in their "cars"

Enjoying the pool on a hot, hot, hot day

Being entertained by Kali, while I try to snap a picture

Aunt Kali and the kids

Strike a pose

The kids and I took a road trip down to Madison this past weekend to visit Kali and Kyle. I hoped and prayed that Aubrey would be a good little traveler like Aidan...unfortunately, that is not the case. She does NOT like riding in her car seat. Period. She cried the whole way down and the whole way back, interrupted by short bouts of fitful sleep. Needless to say, the car ride was stress-inducing. However, our time with Kali and Kyle (and Nana and Poppa on Sunday) was tons of fun.
Aidan absolutely adores his Uncle Kyle, probably because Uncle Kyle is always willing to play with him. This weekend the favorite game was basketball. Luckily, Kali and Kyle have a screened in walkway, so Aidan could play out there with all of their sports balls even after the adults were worn out and wanted to sit in the air conditioning. I swear, that kid never slows down. I have no idea where he gets all that energy from.
Kali and I took the kids to the Madison Farmer's Market on Saturday morning. Within minutes of arriving, both Kali and I were drenched in sweat. It was a hot, humid morning, but fun people watching. Aidan was happy because he got a cookie, Aubrey was happy because she got a bottle, and Kali was happy because she found some gorgeous flowers and tasty raspberries. A good time had by all. We cooled off that afternoon with a visit to the swimming pool where my friend Nikki and her two boys met us. Her son, Weston, is three months older than Aubrey, and he just couldn't get enough of her. He was laughing and waving his arms at her. I was holding him, and could barely hang on as he tried to lunge and grab Aubrey. I think we'll have to watch those two as they get a little older. Maybe a budding romance??? :)
On Sunday, Nana and Poppa came up to see us. The last time we were together was Memorial Day weekend, so Aubrey has grown quite a bit since then. Aidan was delighted to see them, and he was even more excited when we all went to the park together. We grilled out for lunch, then packed up the car with plants that Nana donated to my "ugly garden" cause. (they were planted this morning...let's see if I can keep them alive)
A short, busy, fun-filled trip. Poor Kali is going to need to go to bed early every night this week to regain some of her energy! She's due in two weeks, so the next time we see her I'll be an aunt and Aidan and Aubrey will have a cousin to play with. We can't wait to meet little Baby Montgomery!