If you've ever seen The Music Man, you'll know the next line of the song is "led the big parade..." Aidan enjoyed not one, but two parades last weekend! Last Saturday, I walked Aidan up about two blocks from our house and we watched the Fire Truck Parade. It was about 30 minutes worth of nothing but fire trucks. Aidan loved watching them roll by; he did not love them blaring their sirens right in front of us. He only got scared and cried once and I made sure if there was a big fire truck coming I would cover his ears. Those were always the loudest.
On Sunday, Grandma Michele took him up to the same spot and they enjoyed the community parade while I picked Kyle up from the airport. The parade on Sunday was more of a "real" parade, with bands, floats, and people tossing out candy. Aidan even got some beads...I forgot to ask Grandma if he had to flash someone for those. ; ) She said he was absolutely entranced the whole time.
Watching the parade go by

What's next?

I got some beads!

And a toothbrush!!

I kid you not, this little boy LOVES to brush his teeth. He would carry around his toothbrush all day if I let him. Unfortunately he also loves to scrub other things with his toothbrush (toilet, Roxie, his feet, the floor, his toys) which is why I shut the bathroom door and give him about a minute to brush his teeth. Then we say "bye, bye toothbrush, we'll see you later."