Whew! What a week. I have a feeling that this blog may only be updated on weekends for the next few weeks. (unless I get some free time at school, hehe!) I had full day trainings on Monday and Tuesday, then half day trainings on Wed and Thurs. After the half day trainings I went into my classroom, only to find there was absolutely nothing there except 4 desks, a table, and some big holes in the walls. Friday was spent shopping for my classroom. Needless to say, I haven't had any time to sit at the computer and blog.
Kyle and Aidan had a great week at home and I am completely confident that all will go well for them this year while I am at work. They played inside, outside, at the park, and even made a trip to the library.
The funniest part of my week was when I came home and got Aidan up from his nap on Wednesday. He was wearing his cute brown and orange plaid shorts, but didn't have a top on. It was warm, so he didn't need one, but when I looked over at his changing table, there was his red, yellow, and blue striped shirt. I asked Aidan, "Did Daddy make you wear that with these shorts?!?" Aidan looked at me with a solemn face and replied "Ya". Oh my, stripes and plaid. (and not even in the same color families!) Kyle and I had a discussion about what sorts of clothes go together. I told him he can put Aidan in whatever he wants if they're not going out in public, but if they are going to see other human beings, then Aidan needs to look decent. He requested that Aidan just has ready-made outfits. Um, no. That's part of being a parent.
The weekend has come and gone quickly. Saturday was gorgeous, so Aidan, Roxie, and I went to the dog park. It went well for about 30 minutes, then Roxie started barking at every person that walked in, like she was queen of the dog park or something. We made a hasty exit and Aidan played on the playground for a little bit before heading home for a nap.
Saturday night we went to the Twins game with some friends. Who can pass up free tickets?? Kyle's friend works for Pepsi and he got 14 free tickets from work. We had a great time watching the Twins lose to the Rangers (note sarcasm). It was a really boring game, but it was nice to be out and about with friends.
I think that wraps up my week in review. I start work full-time tomorrow. Kyle and Aidan might try to make it to the State Fair this week. I'm okay not going, but I wouldn't mind some Sweet Martha's chocolate chip cookies...
Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers
14 hours ago