Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What to do?

I'm in a stroller dilemma. I'm pretty sure I need a double stroller, but I don't know what to get. Right now I'm leaning toward this one:

Joovy Caboose Ultralight
(in orange because it's cheaper than the other colors)
but am also considering this one:

Baby Trend Double Sit n Stand

The main differences are 1) weight (the Joovy only weights 21 lbs vs 32lbs for the Baby Trend) and 2) the Baby Trend obviously has 2 seats, one which can be removed to make it a "sit n stand". The prices are pretty comparable. I look every day on Craigslist for a used one, but no luck so far. Both accept infant car seats...the Joovy only in front, the Baby Trend in either the front or back seat.

Any suggestions from moms who currently have a double????


Monty's Mayhem said...

Im not a mom with a double, but I like the Baby Trend. Plus, its an added bonus that Aidan can either use a seat, or you can remove it. Thats a bonus!!

MrsNick said...

I only love the Joovey stroller because of the name! It is sooo indicative of the students we teach. Maybe that's a sign to go with the Baby Trend. I know my friends with more than one child under the age of 2 tend to like strollers with vertical seating versus the side-by-side. I also like the idea of the removeable seat. I don't know if that helps or not. Good luck!

Annie said...

My sister Becky has the Joovey and Loves it!

Soupy said...

I'd lean towards the Joovy- but not sure how long Aidan will be riding? Keifer is STILL riding in the stroller at 3, so I don't know- not sure which one I like better.
you know I LOVE my BOB Revolution....and have you checked out the Phil & Ted's? It can be a double or single!!