I'm guessing that's what the doctor thought when he saw us again this morning, for the third time in two weeks. Hey, it's not my fault that they make you come in weekly when you have a newborn, plus Aidan needed his 2 year check-up. Almost all is well. We'll do stats first, then move on to the "not typical for a 2 year old" news.
Weight: 7 lbs 7 oz (58th%-ile)...back up to her birth weight, so we don't need to see the doctor again until she is 2 months old.
Height: 35 in...66th%-ile
Weight: 25 lbs 1 oz...15th%-ile
Head: 20in...93%-ile (yep, he still has a huge noggin)
No booster shots for Aidan this time around, but he did get the H1N1 vaccine and had his finger pricked for lead poison testing. He didn't even bat an eyelash when his finger was pricked, just sat there and watched the lady suck his blood up into what I told him was a straw. (since he loves straws) He did let out a big cry after the shot though. I told him the "owie" was all done and that seemed to make him feel better. Just a few more shuddering breaths .
For those of you that see Aidan in person, you know that he walks on his toes at times. It's not that he can't walk flat-footed, he can and he does, but he also is a toe-walker. I know that most two-year olds are walking normally by now, so I mentioned the toe-walking to the doctor. Of course, when the doctor asked to see Aidan walk, Aidan only walked on his toes for a second and then walked fine the rest of the time. Still, the doctor saw that I wasn't making it up. He recommended that we take him to see a specialist, who will probably refer us for some physical therapy.
While there are many things that cause toe-walking, (autism, cerebral palsy, nerve damage, etc) Aidan doesn't exhibit any other symptoms of these scary disorders. The doctor thought that with time, Aidan would probably move on to "regular" walking on his own. Just to be on the safe side, and to speed things along with some physical therapy, he referred us to a specialist. He repeated, over and over, that he didn't think Aidan's toe-walking was a big deal. (probably due to the shocked look on my face and tears in my eyes at the mention of cerebral palsy) So, on April 20th we will be seeing a pediatrician who specializes in physical and rehabilitative care. My gut tells me everything is okay, so I'm not too worried. The toe-walking certainly hasn't slowed Aidan down in the slightest, so maybe I should be more worried about keeping up with him when he does figure out how to walk "normally". ;)
Pastina Soup (aka Italian Penicillin)
11 hours ago
1 comment:
My brother Steve...
did that and still does it from time to time and he's "normal"
I'm sure that it's more of a habit than an issue...
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