Aidan: Height: 43 1/2" (60th %-ile)
Weight: 39 lbs (36th %-ile)
Aubrey: Height: 38" (74th %-ile)
Weight: 31 lbs (60th %-ile)

Both healthy and, now that the memory of the shots have faded, happy.
Then there was Easter, spent in IL at my mom and dad's house. It was so good to see everyone, especially Kali, Kyle, Reese, and Preston. The kids had a fabulous time playing together. As long as it did not involve Aidan touching Aubrey.
April. The only way to describe it is rain, then snow, then rain, then lots more snow. If you can't beat it, join it. The kids hopped in rain puddles one day, then went sledding the next. Every once in awhile Aidan has been able to squeeze in rides on his new bike and trips down the block on his new roller blades. That kid continues to be one big ball of endless energy.
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