Mommy's cozy arms have been replaced by
Tickle Me Elmo

Just for comparison, Aidan at 5 months
Aubrey hit the 5 month marker on Thursday and we celebrated by doing....nothing. We got groceries and that was the only time we made it out of the house that day. The weather has been gorgeous, but the mosquitoes. OYE! They are vicious little bloodsuckers. They have even invaded the house, sneaking in every time we (quickly) open and close the door to let Roxie in/out. Both Aidan and Aubrey have bug bites galore and we haven't even played outside. We met Aidan's friend, Adelyn, at a new park with a little splash pad area on Friday. Lest anyone get malaria or West Nile, I doused the kids in bug spray/sunscreen. (yes, I know we don't have malaria in MN) Thankfully the park must have sprayed because once we got to the playground we didn't see any more mosquitoes.Besides that short outing, we spent most of our time indoors this week. I was trying to enjoy each day since it was my last week before works starts again on Monday. As each day passed I got a little more nauseous, to the point where I could hardly eat dinner on Thursday night. It's not that I mind leaving Aidan and Aubrey; I know they are in Kyle's capable hands. It's the thought of facing little hooligans that spit and bite and kick and don't listen for the majority of the day. To top it off, my school didn't make AYP (annual yearly progress in accordance with NCLB) for the third year in a row. What does that mean? It means lots more work and many more meetings in addition to already stressful days. I'm already taking deep breaths to relieve stress just thinking about it. I'm glad I can drink wine this year. The upside of going back to work? Clothes shopping.