Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What Did You Say?

Aidan has been talking up a storm for quite awhile now, and he repeats EVERYTHING we say. He can even read my facial expressions...when I get frustrated he looks at me and says "Mommy ongry" (angry). I say that I am, but have a hard time not smiling when he says things like that. A few of my other favorites right now:

eyebulb (eyeball)
Aidan Mexican (trying to say Aidan Michael Finn)
Cop car (taxi cab)

Aubrey is also cooing away. We sit and have conversations every night after Aidan goes to bed. They usually sound something like this..."Hi, Aubrey" "ahhhh" "What are you trying to tell me?" "ah". That's pretty much the extent of it, and it goes on until she gets hungry. She loves to blow spit bubbles and is already wearing a bib the majority of the time to keep her clothes dry. I don't even want to think about how much spit she's going to produce in a few months when she starts teething!

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