Aidan hit the 18 month mark last week. To celebrate, we went to the doctor and got more shots. Yay! (note sarcasm) All is well with Aidan, although the doctor did detect a faint heart murmur. Strange that it took 18 months to find it...but nothing to worry about and the doctor said it would go away on its own.
18 month stats:Height: 34 inches---92%-ile
Weight: 23 lbs 8 oz---17 %-ile
Head: 19 3/4 inches---89 %-ile
Besides going to the doctor, we also visited the apple orchard last weekend. Aidan had a great time and was trying his best to say apple. Unfortunately his version of apple sounds a lot like baseball. "ba bol" We're still working on this talking thing. He's got about 17 or 18 words that he uses regularly, right in the normal range. He should be putting 2 words together now, which is he not doing yet. (Unless you count "Mama, Daddy" which he says all the time when we're all sitting in the same room together)
Here are some of the pictures from the apple orchard.
The best pic of the day

Trying to roll the pumpkin

Mommy and Aidan

Picking our apples (we picked a total of 2)

I like to call this one "Deer in the headlights"

Aidan's favorite thing to do: pick up rotten apples

Being cute in the hay pile