Today is Day One of saying bye-bye to the morning bottle. So far, so good. Aidan drank whole milk from his sippy cup while I read him a few stories in the rocking chair, then went down for his morning nap without fuss. If all continues to go as planned we will be down to one bottle a day. The bedtime bottle. I don't have any immediate plans to take that one away, even though they say toddlers should be off the bottle by 15 months. (which he will be at the end of June) Maybe after we get back from our trip to IL in a few weeks.
Today also marks the unofficial start of summer. It is June 1st, which means that in 12 weeks I will be returning to work. I've already signed up for several workshops over the summer, and learned last week that the district wants to send me to a 4-day seminar to become a Crisis Prevention Trainer. I've been certified before, in college, but not as a trainer. This certification will allow me to present workshops to my colleagues in the district. I had a few misgivings at first since 1) it means I will spend 4 days away from Aidan before I need to and 2) I didn't know if I would be paid for going. Well, the district is going to pay to the registration fee and pay me while I'm there. I guess I will be going to the training in August.
Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers
4 days ago
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