Pity Party: Table for one. I am being tortured. I've had a headache lurking at the base of my skull all week, making me nauseous at best, and flat on my back with my eyes closed for a few hours at worst. How does Aidan help me out? Well, he doesn't. This week he has progressively woken up earlier and earlier. 6:30am, 6:00am, and this morning, 5:30am. What have I done to deserve this? It's not like life stops when you're not feeling well, so I've tried to get Aidan out and about. We've been to Target and the bookstore, and today we had our ECFE class. Good news is that we talked about social skills in class today and Aidan is doing just fine.
Thanks for joining the party, I'm done whining. :)
Easy Chicken and Broccoli Stir Fry
2 days ago
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