Well, I'm glad that's over. I knew going in that the MMR shot was going to be painful, but I didn't know the finger prick was going to be so traumatizing for poor Aidan! He got through his three shots (MMR, Hepatitis A, and Chicken Pox) like he always does...screaming during the shots but calming down fairly quickly right after they were done. But whoa, you'd think they had chopped off his middle finger to get the blood with the way he screamed and wouldn't stop. It didn't help that they needed two vials and it was just coming out in little drops. It took a little while to get both of the vials full. Those blood samples were for lead and anemia checks.
Besides the trauma of being poked 4 times, everything else went well. The doctor said he won't be concerned with walking (or the lack thereof) until the 15 month check-up. It's time to start drinking more whole milk and less formula. I've already started the bottle-weaning process. We're down to 2 bottles of formula; one before morning nap and one before bedtime. The rest of the day Aidan drinks whole milk out of a sippy cup. Somehow I'm going to have to try getting more milk into Aidan. He should be drinking 20-25 oz of milk/formula a day. Right now he's drinking 18 oz max. Not for lack of trying on my part, he just doesn't drink very much whole milk out of his sippy cup. Maybe a funnel directly into his mouth so I can pour the milk down his throat? Just kidding. : )
1 Year Stats:
Height: 30 inches 56th %-ile
(poor kid dropped dramatically in the height department since he was born. He was in the 97th %-ile then. Destined to be on the short side like his mom and dad)
Weight: 20 lbs 11 oz 18th %-ile
(doing MUCH better in the weight department. He has gained exactly 12 lbs since he was born...one for each month he has been alive)
Head Circumference: 18 3/4 inches 82nd %-ile
(Krista, you were right. Aidan DOES have a big head!!) : )
Billionaire Bacon
1 day ago
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