It figures that since I stayed up until almost 1am last night finishing Twilight (the book, not the movie) that Aidan would wake up at 6am and not go back to sleep. I don't do well with less than eight hours of shut eye, so I'm really dragging today. I just couldn't put it down though!! I started it on Monday night, read until midnight, then finished it last night after American Idol. I'm on the list for the next book in the series, but there are 100 people in front of me. Who knows how long it will take. I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
Other figures from my life right now. The figure of $863. Yes, that is how much it cost to fix the brake pads, rotors, and wheel bearing on the Escape. I HATE spending that much money fixing anything. You could take a trip to Mexico (or somewhere here in the states, thank you swine flu) for that amount of money. Ugh. I guess I should be thankful that I found a coupon and that they were offering a rebate, so the total came in under $1,000, but it's hard to be happy when you drop that kind of money on something that you don't want.
Easy Turkey Chili (That Actually Tastes Good!)
2 weeks ago