Aubrey and I visited the doctor this morning for her 15 month appointment. All continues to look good, minus her not being able to eat dairy. The doctor was very unconcerned about it, saying that lots of kids can't eat dairy right away, but that she might be able to eat cheese when she's two, then gradually be able to tolerate milk and other dairy products. Easy for him to say. He's not cleaning up nasty diapers multiple times a day because something Aubrey ate doesn't agree with her stomach. I still plan to take her to an allergist to make sure it's just dairy and not some other food allergy also. That appointment is on Tuesday morning. Aubrey handled her two shots (HiB and Hep A) like a champ. Minimal screaming and then she took a nap when we got home. Gotta love the return of a morning nap!
Weight: 21 lbs (20th %-ile)
Height: 30.5 in (51st %-ile)
Happy 4th of July!
Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers
1 day ago