Living creatures far and wide have decided that Finnland is the place to be. Two ticks hitched a ride home on Aidan a week and a half ago (still dealing with that drama) and now some furry little mammals that squeak and chatter have set up residence. Yes, mammals, plural. I was greeted by a mouse in the laundry room on Tuesday evening and a chipmunk who appears to be living in our garage ceiling. What in the world could be so appealing about our house?!?! We have a dog for goodness sakes! Aren't predatory animals supposed to scare away unwanted riff-raff?
Other than extra inhabitants, the Finn household is operating as usual. Kyle is busy increasing our portfolio by trading options and watching the kids. I'm busy wrapping up the school year. (countdown: 9 school days left) As I finish school, Aidan will be starting a one-morning a week preschool program through our local school district. Open house is next Wednesday, so Kyle gets the honor of meeting Aidan's first teacher since I am still in school. He's really excited about that. (note sarcasm) Aubrey is Aubrey. Is she walking yet? No. Is she talking yet? Not really. She says "mama" and Kyle swears that she says "duck" all day long, but she has yet to say it around me. However, she can woof and whine like a dog, thanks to Roxie. I think she also tries to quack and moo, but I doubt any other person would know what she was doing.
So there you have it. Life in Finnland.
Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers
1 day ago