Aubrey's favorite aunt requested a blog dedicated to Aubrey. Apparently I don't talk about her enough. Blame it on second child syndrome.
At 11 months old Aubrey:
~weighs about 19 lbs
~can pull herself up on just about anything
~likes to open and close drawers...making me very nervous that she's going to chop a finger off
~dislikes Aidan or Roxie anywhere near her and she lets them know by screeching like a banshee
~still only has her two bottom teeth
~is a cuddlebug with both Kyle and I, and she's overcoming her fear of other people
~has curly hair when it's wet, and very wavy hair when it's dry. I love it.
~takes two naps a day and sleeps 12-13 hours at night
~eats like a horse and is still a tiny peanut. We're not sure where it goes, but I would like to share her metabolism