Not the best exposure, but here are Aidan and Aubrey
showing their love for the Twins

6 months old

Aubrey had her 6 month doctor's appointment this past Thursday, and she is not the gigantic baby we thought she was. Nope, Aubrey is just a normal sized little girl. We've decided that our perceptions have been forever skewed by Aidan's unnatural skinniness.
Weight: 16lbs 1oz---44
ileHeight: 26 in---51 %-
ile (the doctor thinks they measured her wrong, but I wasn't going to wait around for a nurse to come back, so Aubrey is probably longer than 26")
Head: 17 in---65 %-
ileAs I write this, Aubrey is rolling all over the place, jabbering away in an attempt to gain my attention. She has become a little wiggle worm that is not content to just sit in my lap while I type. Besides rolling both ways, she can also sit by herself for increasingly longer periods of time. She started solid foods a few weeks ago. After phasing in rice cereal, we've moved on to green beans and sweet potatoes as mixers. She wasn't so sure of the sweet potatoes (maybe too thick?) but she inhaled the green beans. I'll probably make up some squash next weekend, and then start fruits in November. If she's anything like Aidan, she will love any and all fruits.
One area that she differs significantly from Aidan is her sleep schedule. He was a routine napper at this age. I knew that every morning he would take 2 short naps, with a longer one in the afternoon. I feel insanely lucky when Aubrey naps in the morning. What 6 month old only needs one nap a day?!? And why is it my child??? She's also waking up at night again. She needs to get this sleep thing figured out. However, since her sleep habits are my only complaint, I'll count myself lucky.