Happy Thanksgiving! The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes desserts. Lots of desserts. I started the season off with a pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and cute little turkey cookies. No, I did not get the cookies from Pinterest. This little gem of a recipe came out of a magazine almost 10 years ago.
The kids "helped" me make the cookies. (read: tried to eat the cookies and lick the chocolate frosting while I wasn't looking) The lesson I learned from my dessert making today is that I enjoy baking, just not with my children in the house. Kyle took them outside, then up to his dad's house, and it was SO much more fun by myself! At some point between now and Christmas I hope to make a batch of cut-out cookies to decorate and maybe some candies. We'll see how often I get the house to myself.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers
1 day ago