Both Aidan and Aubrey are talking almost constantly now. I admit, there are times when I look at them and just tell them to.stop.talking. Please, just two minutes of silence, that's all I ask. I might get thirty seconds, and sometimes that is enough to restore my sanity.
Here are a few funny favorites, or at least oft repeated phrases:
"Finn's win!" said every morning while Kyle and the kids race our neighbors to see who can get out of the house first
"I do it myself!" Repeated by Aubrey too many times to count
"Don't worry, Mom, you just do what you need to do." said by Aidan...and when you tell me not to worry, that's probably when I should worry.
"I'm going to sneak on the iPad"...Aidan is not going to be a ninja when he grows up
"I do it myself'"...oh wait, did I already write that? It's just that I hear it so often, every day, that it seems that's all Aubrey says..(or, "No! Mine!). That comes in a close second for most repetitive phrase in the Finn house.
Two and a half more weeks, and then, *cue the music*, School's Out For The Summer! No major plans, but I will have to figure out some "individual playtime" activities for the kids so we can continue to be a loving family.
Crock Pot Sausage and Peppers
22 hours ago